Q: What currency are the prices displayed in on the site?
A: All prices are displayed in USD.
Q: How can I track my order?
A: When your order ships, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a link to track the status of the shipment. If you’re having an issue with the tracking number for your order, please contact our customer support team at avanelcouturegmail.com
Q: I entered an incorrect address. What should I do?
A: If you notice that you have misspelled or auto-filled an incorrect address, please notify us immediately via email at avanelcouture@gmail.com. We can only change the address before the order is shipped. No refunds will be given for incorrect submissions after the order has been shipped.
Q: Can an exception be made if I would like to exchange an item past the 5 -day exchange policy?
A: We understand that sometimes the 5-day exchange policy may pass by quickly, but unfortunately, we cannot make exceptions to this policy under any circumstance. We appreciate your understanding.
Q: What can be done if an item is damaged after wear?
A: If an item is stained or torn before tags are removed, we can discuss how to go about it. Once the tags are removed from the merchandise, we are unable to assist further, as we have to assume that it has been worn before. We highly recommend that you review the wash instructions sewn inside each piece of clothing to prevent damage.
Q: What if I want to exchange an item for a different color or size but originally used a promo code that is no longer active?
A: Any form of discounts or promo codes can only be applied at the time of purchase when the discount code is active. We cannot activate a discount/promo code once the option is no longer active. However, if you make the exchange in-store within the 7 day return policy we can issue the discount.
Q: Can I edit my order?
A: Yes, as long as it is within an hour of placing the order. Otherwise, we are unable to help or edit orders. Please email us at avanelcouture@gmail.com with your order number, and we will edit the order for you.
Q: What if the item I received was damaged or incorrect?
A: We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please contact us immediately at avanelcouture@gmail.com with your order number and photos of the merchandise attached. We will assist you from there.
Q: Why is my discount code not working?
A: This could be for a few reasons. Please ensure that the discount is not expired, as most are offered for only 24 hours. Discounts do not apply to sale items, and only one discount may be applied at a time.
Q: What sizes do you offer?
A: At Avanel, we are committed to providing a range of sizes that are inclusive to various body types. Our sizes range from XXS to XXL to ensure that our customers can find a perfect fit for their unique body shape. We believe that fashion should be inclusive and celebrate diversity, and we are proud to offer a range of sizes that allow every woman to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin. So, whether you are petite or plus size, we've got you covered with styles that will flatter your figure and make you feel amazing!
Q: When will you be restocking my size?
A: We try to restock our best sellers as frequently as possible. However, some items may not be restocked once they sell out, so be sure to check back frequently for new items.
Q: I have a question that wasn't answered. Can you please help?
A: Of course! Please send us an email at avanelcouture@gmail.com, and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can. To ensure a prompt response, please include your order number and clearly address the problem. Thank you!